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Have You Responded to the Invitation Today?

This past Sunday, our focus was on how much God invites us to join Him in the good things He has done and wants to do in our lives.

Specifically, Jesus invites us to:
  • Come and Rest
  • Follow Him
  • Live WITH Him (abide in Him)

When we accept His invitations, we begin to truly be filled up more and more with Him so that we are enabled to overcome every barrier to being like Him.

No, it never happens overnight. (And if you are like me, you grow impatient with the changes you want to see.)

Yes, every one of us (myself included) is on a journey and needs to be reminded daily of His invitation.

But He is truly at work in us, and He invites you today! Come and rest in Him, in His plan, in His timing, in His promises, in His reconciling work! Follow Him into the great purposes He has for you.

His invitation is to the greatness of His life and Kingdom. Live WITH him today. Slow down. Expect Him to speak. Wait for His plans and don't move and act ahead of Him.

Here is my question:
How are you responding to His invitations this week, and what difference has it made?

I would love to hear back from you. I sincerely pray for you and believe that you are on a changing and growing path.

Even if you feel you don't have a good answer to the question, I would be grateful to hear that. Please take a moment and comment below, or email me and let me know how it is going for you.

Pastor Kevin Strite


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