Discovering and engaging in the God-given purposes for your life. This includes understanding gifts, understanding passions, recognizing needs, and engaging in ministry purposefully based on these foundations.
Wow! Today's Day by Day for Emotionally Healthy Relationships is spot on and uncovers cringe-worthy areas in my life - areas where I've slipped into the "elder son" area of the prodigal son story.
The elder son is literally a picture of the Pharisees in many ways. Nenri Nouwen describes it this way:
"I recognize the elder son in me. Often I catch myself complaining about little rejections, little impolitenesses, little negligences. Time and again I discover within me that murmering, whining, grumbling, lamenting, and griping that go on and on even against my will."
How can we engage the world with purpose when we are struggling with our own sin and pharisaical attitudes? The answer is … by God's grace, and by more and more self-awareness. We become engaged with purpose when we allow the amazing love of God to be our strength and the very source of what we give to the world around us.
To Consider: (From Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day by Day - Peter Scazero)
"In what areas of life might your pursuit of "getting things done" or "doing right things" be more important to you than seeking a loving relationship with God and others?"
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