On Sunday, we compared the two "guys" Jesus talked about in Luke 18. Jesus compared a Pharisee (religious person) to a tax collector (humble worshipper). He made it clear that the tax collector came away justified in his worship because of his humility.
Some of the characteristics of the Pharisee (Don't be that guy) were.
Some of the characteristics of the Pharisee (Don't be that guy) were.
- He loved to compare himself to "sinners" to feel better about who he was.
- He loved to compare himself to "lowly worshippers" who weren't giving as much as he was.
- He kept a list of stuff he did for God as a way of impressing God and others.
On the other hand, the tax collector came to God with these attitudes:
- He came humbly
- He was sorrowful and repentant.
- He recognized his need for grace and mercy
The Big difference between the two was that the tax collector, in his humility, was able to:
- Rest in what God had done and would do by His grace.
- Reach out to others because of what He had been given.
- Release control of his life to God knowing that it is God who accomplishes all good things in anyone's life.
Hebrews 4:11a |
How is it for you? Have you been able to rest? To allow Jesus to be all you need? To let go of the comparisons and to rest in the list HE has done for you instead of the list you are doing for Him?
Jesus wants us, he invites us to come and rest in Him. In Hebrews, we're told to "make every effort to enter that rest". It seems to be the one thing we're invited to really work hard at in our Christian life. Work hard to rest!
This Sunday I want to share a message with you concerning RESTING in WARFARE. We are in a battle! We will always be in a battle and we need to learn to trust, to rest in, and to follow God in every battle we face. I hope you'll come expecting God to speak and to challenge us toward a more complete rest in Him.
Pastor Kevin
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