Thank you to each of you who flowed with our “unique Sunday” and invited the Holy Spirit as we engaged in a meaningful Sunday of corporate worship and prayer. Our prayer together will continue this Wednesday evening as we focus on God’s heart and direction for the River Oaks Family home and center for ministry.
As you know, we have 8+ acres of land on Stone Spring ready for us to build a ministry center. Before building there, we will need an entrance off of Stone Spring. The estimated cost of the entrance is right around $51,000. We currently have almost $25,000 and need to raise the second half in order to put in the entrance. At our last congregational meeting, there was strong approval for moving forward with a project/plan to get the entrance completed.
As you should also be aware by now, we currently expect our lease agreement in the shopping center to be terminated sometime this year. We do not know precisely when, but we need to prepare for what we will do, and where we will go at that time. Our purpose for prayer on Wednesday is to get God’s heart! What does He plan for us?
Too often, we make plans that “make sense” and are “within our means” instead of going to God first to hear and sense and know His plans. His plans are not limited to our thinking and are not restricted by our resources. He gives us experience and wisdom and the ability to think things through, but he combines that with a life that is faith-driven and will trust Him for what He wants to do, even if it doesn’t “make sense” in the natural.
So my invitation to you is to come expecting. Come ready to pray. Come prepared to approach the throne of God with Boldness as we seek together His path for River Oaks in 2019 and beyond.
We will begin our meeting at 7:00 with worship and will plan to conclude by 8:30.
I am looking forward to praying with you,
Pastor Kevin
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