Celebrate the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)
As we learned a few weeks ago, the Feast of Trumpets is this Sunday and Monday. If you aren't sure about what/why this festival matters, you can review the sermon here.
Don't forget to make a plan to celebrate with others and to remember and recount together the story God has been writing for all history. Along with that, take time to remember your own story, to recount how God has been with you, and to consider what new things He is calling you to in the coming year.
Here are some other ideas for you to use in celebration of this appointed time of God.
- Play Hebrew music throughout the day (Paul Wilbur, Laeli, Joshua Aaron)
- Enjoy a favorite meal including apple dessert as is a modern Jewish tradition
- Make a list of as many ways as you can recall that God has provided for or blessed you this past year.
- Pray together for the ways you look for God to reveal himself to you this coming “new” year
- Spend time in individual personal reflection asking God what new things he has to show you.
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