What's Happening at the River?
Race Reports: Sunday and Wednesday
This coming Sunday morning, Elyssa Ranck and Jessica Torres will share a brief report on their recent adventures with the World Race. Everyone is welcome to join them again on Wednesday evening for a more in-depth report from each. We will meet at River Oaks at 7:00 PM and refreshments will be provided.
Let's Have a Picnic! September 30
Woohoo! Get ready for a picnic on September 30 from 5-9 pm. We will be meeting at Shelter #3 in Oakdale Park in Bridgewater. More details coming next weekend.
Men's Campout: October 26-28
All men over age 13 are welcome. If interested, sign-up this morning! There are cabin bunks available as well as tent sites. Expenses will be shared equally. In the spirit of the upcoming "Explore God" series, consider inviting a non-church friend to join us. Contact Norm Mailhot with questions.
Summer Shifts and Fall Arrival
Early this summer we shared with you some of the changes we were making to accommodate shifting schedules people were experiencing as well as a time of regrouping in regard to our ministries. At that time we took a break from our Coffee Ministry and we shifted our worship team to be a much smaller team. Fall is arriving soon, and you may be wondering what is happening with our ministry teams. As for now, both of those changes will remain in effect. We will continue to prayerfully process our teams and ministries through the Fall months.
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