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Engaging in the Real War

This past Sunday at River Oaks, we experienced a service where we incorporated warfare in our worship. It is really the most natural thing to do. As we worship, our hearts and souls are drawn to the magnificence, the power, the presence and the reality of God active in our lives and in the circumstances we face in everyday life. 

While worshipping, God speaks and we have the opportunity to engage with Him, knowing that everything we ever accomplish is from Jesus and through Jesus. It is our task, however, not to sit back and watch Jesus work, but to engage as He works. 

I shared the fact that every struggle, every situation in our lives is a reflection in the natural (what we can see), of what is going on in the spirit realm (angels and demons).

If you missed the message, you can watch it here.

Engage in the Battle today! 

Below are some known spirits that are always at work to defeat us in our spiritual life. (There are many more. If you would like to have them, contact Pastor Kevin) These spirits come and attach themselves to those we love and work to turn us always from God and to ourselves. Use this list to pray against the spirits at work. We need to turn from praying against people and what they are doing, to pray against the spirits, powers, and forces of darkness in high places. Let's do it and watch how God works to win the battles on our behalf!

(Caution Reminder: NEVER engage in Spiritual Warfare alone. Always have someone praying with and for you.)

God's grace and strength to you by His Holy Spirit,
Pastor Kevin 

Spirits We Battle With

  • A spirit of religiosity
    • Lost Passion for Jesus
    • No miracles
    • Hard working but no fire inside
    • Rules and order are more important than life in the Holy Spirit
  • A spirit of intimidation
    • Fear replaces faithfulness to God, His Word and His voice in our lives.
    • Intimidate by culture (fear of offending)
    • Silent before the world.
  • A spirit of compromise
    • Operating in the flesh(natural) 
    • Not dependant on the Holy Spirit
    • Tolerating Sin
    • Money as the goal and prize of life
    • Popular message instead of Prophetic message
    • Image instead of Anointing
    • Politically correct
  • A spirit of inferiority
    • Claiming "I am weak" instead of "I am anointed and empowered"
    • Self-pity
    • Weakness in life
  • A spirit of pride
    • No fervency
    • No faith
    • No fear of God
    • No fellowship (with Jesus and others)
    • Self-sufficient
  • A spirit of traditionalism
    • Ignoring the Holy Spirit 
    • No love for the church (Bride of Christ)
    • Reputation instead of Reality
    • Numbers grow, but people don't
    • Busy working for the "good name" of the church
    • Rumors and Hostility toward one another and the church (leadership)


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