I mentioned at our VISION 2020 meeting that we are calling the church at River Oaks to a time of fasting and praying in February. We are asking each of you to set aside February 9-16 as a season of fasting and prayer. While we are all called to pray at all times, this is a special season of joining in prayer for specific things we all need, as well as things we pray for in our city/county/region. Isaiah 58:6-12 gives us a clear picture of God's plans for a fast. In those verses, he indicates that His fast is for: Loosening the Bonds of Wickedness Undoing the bands of the yoke Letting the oppressed go free Breaking every yoke Give to those in need of food Help the homeless Not hiding from "your own flesh" - or refusing to see the needs of those around you. The passage goes on to tell us what we can expect when we fast in that way: Your light will break out like the dawn Your recovery will speedily spring forth Your righteousness will go before you The Gl...
Regular updates from Pastor Kevin and River Oaks Church