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Showing posts from November, 2018

Build Yourself a Springhouse - Part 1

If you've ever been in a springhouse, especially in the summer, you will likely know that there is a sense of refreshing there. The air is cool. The water is cool, clear and tastes like no other water you drink. (My memories anyhow) I have very clear memories of my childhood visits to at least two springhouses. God intends for your soul to be a place refreshed as well as refreshing. Here are three of the six things you can do in your life to "Build Yourself a Springhouse" of refreshing. Learn to be SILENT Learn to PRAY, truly pray, and to have prayer at the beginning, middle and ends of your days. Learn to REST! Recover a rhythm of work and rest. Learn to truly Sabbath. This coming Sunday we will finish with the last three things you can do. If you missed the message, you can watch it here: Or listen to it HERE

Keep Silent

Let All the Earth Keep Silent Sunday's message focused on learning to be silent. Silence is perhaps one of the most counter-cultural disciplines we can enter into as Christians. We were challenged to spend 2 minutes of silence twice a day in order to begin shifting our busy and noisy lives. How has your silence been? Have you been able to make time to be silent? If so, what has it been like? We would love to hear. Click here to let us know. If you missed the service, you can watch it by clicking below.