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Why Do People Leave the Church?

This event is coming to Woodstock, and I would like to invite everyone to attend with me. Here is your chance to experience an Apologetics conference that will (I believe) be encouraging to your faith and confidence in what is truth. Happening, next weekend, March 7 and 8. In over 30 years of ministry, there is one aspect of church life that young people have shared with me that has caused them to leave a church. It has also been a primary purpose for them, leaving the Christian faith in general. And here it is, The unhealthy, emotional, and spiritual immaturity of life-long church attenders and believers. These have been people whom they wanted to trust and look up to, but who have lived with an offense, trivial criticalness, judgmental attitudes, hypocrisy, inability to relate to current culture, church hurt, etc. These have been some of the most significant factors influencing young people to walk away from the chur...
Recent posts

What's Happening at the River?

Here is what's happening at River Oaks Church. Conversations on Mental Health Join us at River Oaks on Sunday, March 1 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM to discuss depression. We’ll be having a conversation about what depression is and how we can support people who are struggling with it. If you or someone you know may be struggling with depression, we would love to have you join us for our conversation. Everyone is welcome. CONNECT Groups Mark your calendars and prepare for a CONNECT experience. From March 4 through April 1 we will be meeting each Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:45 for an experience geared toward Connecting Authentically. Make plans now to be a part of this time of CONNECTION.

Special Events during our Fasting and Prayer week

SPECIAL EVENTS: I mentioned Sunday that we are joining together in an all-church time of fasting and prayer beginning this coming Sunday, February 9. Please be in prayer about your participation. How will you participate? What will you do if you know there will be a special event during the fast? Who will you ask to be a partner and encourager along the way? As a part of this season of prayer and fasting, I invite you to two special church gatherings. BRING an OFFERING of THANKS This coming Sunday, February 9, you are encouraged and welcome to join with your church family in an evening of giving thanks. By way of preparation, make a list of anything/everything you can recall for which you are thankful to God. Miracles in your life, special moments of provision, healing, peace, sustaining grace, etc. Make a list and come prepared to share some of your items with your church family. Together, we will lift up our thanks as a way of entering into our time of fasting. On We...

A Call to Fast and Pray

I mentioned at our VISION 2020 meeting that we are calling the church at River Oaks to a time of fasting and praying in February. We are asking each of you to set aside February 9-16 as a season of fasting and prayer. While we are all called to pray at all times, this is a special season of joining in prayer for specific things we all need, as well as things we pray for in our city/county/region. Isaiah 58:6-12  gives us a clear picture of God's plans for a fast. In those verses, he indicates that His fast is for: Loosening the Bonds of Wickedness Undoing the bands of the yoke Letting the oppressed go free Breaking every yoke Give to those in need of food Help the homeless Not hiding from "your own flesh" - or refusing to see the needs of those around you. The passage goes on to tell us what we can expect when we fast in that way: Your light will break out like the dawn Your recovery will speedily spring forth Your righteousness will go before you The Gl...

What's Happening at the River?

Here's what is happening at River Oaks Church. VISION 2020 Gathering: Sunday, January 26 at 7:00 PM Pastor Kevin will be sharing updates and vision for the coming year. We are looking forward to 2020 with anticipation to what God is going to do at River Oaks. The evening will include a financial update for 2019, a preview of the ROC Calendar for 2020, leadership changes for 2020, and prayer. We will also honor Jim and Rita for their ten years of service to River Oaks Church. Honoring Jim and Rita River Oaks has been so blessed to have Jim Eby serving as an elder for ten years! That's right, Jim and Rita have cared for us and prayed for us and served faithfully now for ten years. With that in mind, Jim let me (Kevin) know early in 2019 that they were ready for a break. As of December 31, Jim has stepped down as one of our elders. I cannot express enough how grateful I have been for Jim's leadership and care for our church over these years. We plan to honor them and t...

Have You Responded to the Invitation Today?

This past Sunday, our focus was on how much God invites us to join Him in the good things He has done and wants to do in our lives. Specifically, Jesus invites us to: Come and Rest Follow Him Live WITH Him (abide in Him) When we accept His invitations, we begin to truly be filled up more and more with Him so that we are enabled to overcome every barrier to being like Him. No, it never happens overnight. (And if you are like me, you grow impatient with the changes you want to see.) Yes, every one of us (myself included) is on a journey and needs to be reminded daily of His invitation. But He is truly at work in us, and He invites you today! Come and rest in Him, in His plan, in His timing, in His promises, in His reconciling work! Follow Him into the great purposes He has for you. His invitation is to the greatness of His life and Kingdom. Live WITH him today. Slow down. Expect Him to speak. Wait for His plans and don't move and act ahead of Him. Here is ...

What's Happening at the River?

Here's what is happening at River Oaks Church. Pastor Kevin's message, “A Good Peace” (recorded December 8, 2019), is now available on the River Oaks YouTube channel! Pastor Kevin’s message, “A Complete Joy” (recorded December 15, 2019), is now available on the River Oaks YouTube channel. There are two additional videos mentioned in the YouTube description, so be sure to check them out too! Meals for the Strites Please consider providing a meal for the Strites over the next few weeks. Call Lynette Crull (540-578-4033) to schedule a time. Pastor Kevin will be walking with crutches for several weeks. Your prayers for continued healing are appreciated as his recovery time continues for several months.